How To Make Your iPhone Home Button Last Longer
There are two most important buttons on the iPhone that you wont want to lose. That is the Power button and the Home button. If your power button is faulty you are going to feel it as you wont be able to perform many actions like screenshot, DFU mode options among others. yet another one you dont want to get faulty is the Home button.

While there are few times in a day we use the Power button on the iPhone, the Home button is used several times daily. During this frequent usage, the button could get weak. In other to avoid this, the following tips should help in making the home button last longer.
1. Use Assistive touch
Assistive Touch is one great feature that comes with the iPhone. Its a virtual Home button bundles into iPhone and it has being since the first iPhone.

With the virtual Home button, you can do most operations that the physical home button would do except to put a device into DFU mode which is something you do rarely.
To activate Assistive Touch, go to Settings-->Genera-->Accessibility-->AssistiveTouch and toggle it ON

2. Activator
Activator is a very efficient and useful app found in a lot of jailbroken iDevices. It allows you to set a set specific gestures to control or perform certain tasks. For example, you can set that tapping the battery notification should activate screenshot. The things you can do with Activator is endless.
If your devices is jailbroken then you should definitely give it a try. It will save your Home button from breaking.

For those with a jailbroken iPhone you would find Activator in Settings and then scroll down to reveal it. All settings are found under this.
3. Zephyr
Zephyr is another app that can make your Home button last longer if you have configured it well. Just like Activator, it can only be found in Cydia store and only works for jailbroken Apple devices.
With these 3 tips, one of them if not all can be of great help when you want to the physical Home button some slack in other to make it last longer.
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