How to Create a Shared Facebook Photo Album
Facebook has introduced a new feature for your users that will help you now and share your photo albums photo stock. shared photo album name this new feature you can set up to 50 people in your album Select your photos will add his photo album only before user. Edit.
Facebook albums other user can add up to 200 photo album. Facebook has just has a few people stock photo feature some time after the rest of the user will be able to also use. stock photo album feature to help if you have your wedding party or picnic party photo album add the friends you make and the Family member can share any photo provided you have them to share photos Permission granted.

Steps As Follows
- Create photo albums to your Facebook account to log in first. After you log into the right side of the News Feed, click on the profile page. Profile page after you click on the photo option where you will be Create, Select Option album
- Create photo album after you click persist the connection that you want to add to your photo album, Select. photo post after you Select photo, click on the button.
- Photo after you to the select albums want to make photo sharing in the instruction of permission can add his name in the future. were the people the select photo album can add another photo.
- If you want to edit the photo elmab back and can also edit again.
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